
《寂靜之聲》(The sound of silence)






《寂靜之聲》(The sound of silence)

[mp=400,50]http://nnsz.nn.gx.cn/qqxy/music/biyesheng.mp3[/mp] 《寂靜之聲》(The sound of silence)和《斯卡波羅集市》一樣,   是電影畢業生的插曲,一個在片頭,一個在片尾。前一首1966年同名   單曲獲美國排行榜冠軍;後一首1969年獲奧斯卡最佳電影插曲獎。兩   首歌的風格差不多,都是那種經典的懷舊情懷。記得有人說過,它的   旋律靜靜地、一塵不染的,輕柔的從耳邊拂過。很容易讓人想起雪後   的黎明、原野的清風。黃昏時分坐在夕陽的餘輝裏,翻看著畢業時的   同學照片,沉浸於一幕幕的校園往事,翻過一頁頁熙熙攘攘的畢業禮,   《寂靜之聲》的優美旋律直入心底……       西蒙(Paul Simon)是美國歌壇上的一個奇跡,常被冠以作曲家、歌   唱家和吉它手的美譽,實際上再加上詩人也不過分。他的個人演唱以   及和加芬克爾(Art Garfunkel)的重唱作品幾乎都是出自他的手中。   他的歌詞首首都是優美的詩歌,他的歌曲旋律優美迷人。西蒙和加芬   克爾六十年代後期開始風靡多年的重唱可說是流行音樂史上的最佳重   唱,西蒙的嗓音鬆弛自然,加芬克爾音色輕高潔,兩人的和聲如詩如   夢一般豐富多彩,令人回味無窮。 Hello, darkness, my old friend,   嗨,黑夜,我的老友   I''ve come to talk with you again,   又來和你談天了   because a vision softly creeping,   因為有一夢境悄悄地,   left its seeds while I was sleeping,   留下種子在我夢中。   And the vision that was planted in my brain   這幻象深植在我的腦海裡   Still remains   始終迴旋     Within the sound of silence.   於沉默的聲音中   In restless dreams I walked alone   獨自走在無止盡的夢裡   Narrow streets of cobblestone,   狹窄的鵝卵石街道 ,   Neath the halo of a street lamp,   在街燈的光暈下   I turned my collar to the cold and damp   翻起衣領迎向寒冷濕氣   When my eyes were stabbed   我的雙眼感到刺痛       by the flash of a neon light   因霓虹燈的閃爍   That split the night   那撕裂了黑夜   And touched the sound of silence.   並觸動了沉默的聲音   And in the naked light I saw   在赤裸的光線下我看到   Ten thousand people, maybe more.   成千上萬的人,或許有更多   People talking without speaking,   人們說話但不是交談       People hearing without listening,   人們聽得見卻不傾聽   People writing songs that voices never share   人們寫歌,總不是分享理念的歌   And no one dared disturb the sound of silence.   沒有人敢打破沉默的聲音   "Fools" said I, "You do not know   「傻瓜!」我說道:「你不知道   Silence like a cancer grows.   沉默是會像癌細胞擴散的   Hear my words that I might teach you,   聽取我教你的言語,   Take my arms that I might reach you."   抓住我拉你的臂膀。」       But my words like silent raindrops fell,   但我說的話就像是無聲的雨滴   And echoed in the wells of silence   落入沉默的井裡發出回音   And the people bowed and prayed   這些人又鞠躬又祈禱的   To the neon god they made.   對著他們所製造的霓虹上帝膜拜   And the sign flashed out its warning,   招牌上打出閃爍的警語   In the words that it was forming.   在這些字句中成形   And the sign said,   招牌上寫著:   "The words of the prophets are written   「先知的預言就寫在   And tenement halls."   地下道的牆上   "The words of the prophets are written   或是廉價公寓的門廊裡。」   And whispered in the sounds of silence.   並且在沉默的聲音中低語呢喃       Are you going to Scarborough Fair?   问尔所之,是否如适。   Parsely sage rosemary and thyme.   蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。   Remember me to one who lives there,   彼方淑女,凭君寄辞。   She once was a true love of mine.   伊人曾在,与我相知。   Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.   嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁。   Parsely sage rosemary and thyme.   蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。   Without no seams nor needle work.   勿用针砧,无隙无疵。   then she will be a true love of mine.   伊人何在,慰我相思。
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