
[Affiche]How to register?====for guests






[Affiche]How to register?====for guests

Dear friends, welcome to THE PROFESSIONAL BBS OF HULUSI£¡Do you want to be a member of the BBS? It's free for registering. Follow me!!

Before your register, read the agreement of the BBS, please.

Welcome to the professional BBS of hulusi and join us to discuss and communicate together. The professional BBS of hulusi is public. In order to maintain the public order online and keep the society stable, please abide the items below.

1. Don¡¯t harm the safety of PRC, don¡¯t betray the country and don¡¯t infringe the licit rights and interests of other people by utilizing this BBS. Don¡¯t produce, reproduce and spread abroad the information below.

¢Å demagogic to dispute and destroy the constitution , the laws and the administrative law;

¢Æ demagogic to subvert the regime of the country and overthrow the socialism system;

¢Ç instigation of splitting the country and destructing the country unification£»

¢È instigation of nationality hatred, ethnic discrimination, destruction national unity;

¢É fabricating or twisting the fact, spreading the rumor, harassing thesocial order;

¢Ê publicizing the feudalism and the superstition, the obscene, the pornography, the gambling, the violence, the murder, the terror and instigating the crime;

¢Ë blatantly insults the other people or fabricates the fact to slander the other people, or carrying on other malicious attack;

¢Ì harming the prestige of state agencies;

¢Í other behaviors of violating the constitution, the laws and the administrative rules and regulations;

¢Î the behavior of carrying on the commercial advertisings.

2. Mutually respects and takes responsibility for own opinion and the behavior.

I agree (click the button)


Register User

Please enter the following information to register a new account.

Username (0-20 characters) ( )

Enter the validating code (Enter the validating code here)

Gender (boy or girl, please choose)

Password (6 characters at least) ( )

Verify Password(6 characters at least) ( )

Question for password ( )

Answer for password ( )

Email (must be valid, otherwise you won't receive your password)

( XX @ XX ) (For checking the account)


I hope you won't miss it!

There is a video to guide you to register.You can download it to your computer and play it by wmv player. µã»÷ä¯ÀÀ¸ÃÎļþ




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