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[תÌû]Tutorial of Hulusi & Bawu






[תÌû]Tutorial of Hulusi & Bawu

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ÕæÕý×öʱ²ÅÖªµÀ×Ô¼ºµÄÓ¢ÓïºÍÒôÀÖ֪ʶʵÔÚÊÇØÑ·¦µÄ¿ÉÒÔ¡£ÎÞÂÛÈçºÎ£¬ÔÛ²»ÄܶªÔÛÖйúÈ˵ÄÁ³£¬»¹ÊÇÊÔ×ÅÒë³ö×î¼òµ¥µÄÒâ˼°É¡£Çë´ó¼Ò¶à¶àÖ¸½Ì¡£ ¡¶ºù«˿ °ÍÎÚʵÓý̡̳· Practical tutorial of Hulusi & Bawu Àî´º»ª ±àÖø by Chunhua Li ºù«˿ °ÍÎÚ¿¼¼¶ÇúÄ¿¾«Ñ¡ choice songs of Hulusi and Bawu Ò»¼¶ first class ½ð¿×ȸÇáÇáÌø gold peacock jump slightly »éÊÄ marry oath ´òË®¹ÃÄï water girl ÂíÀ¼»¨¿ª malan flower Ò¡ÀºÇú cradlesongs СҹÇú serenade Íû´º·ç pring breeze ÓÑÒêµØ¾ÃÌ쳤 friendship forever ¿µ¶¨Çé¸è Kangting madrigal ӳɽºì rhododendra ¶þ¼¶ second class ÓÐÒ»¸öÃÀÀöµÄµØ·½ a beautiful place ÈËÃÇÏòÍùµÄµØ·½ a good place you want go »á³ª¸èµÄ½ðºù« gold calabash is capable of singing song ²Ø×åÏÒ×Ó Tibetan strings(a kind of musical instrument) н®ÎèÇú Sinkiang/Xinjiang dance Èý¼¶ third class ÃÀÀöµÄ½ð¿×ȸ beautiful gload peacock ºþ±ßµÄ¿×ȸ peacock beside the lake °æÄÉÖ®Ò¹ night of Xishuangbanna(placename of Chinese Yunan) ×£¾Æ¸è toast song Ô¹âϵķïβÖñ fernleaf hedge bamboo in the moon ×ÏÖñµ÷ purple bamboo song Ëļ¶ fourth class ÔÂÒ¹ moon night ÐÒ¸£µÄÈÕ×Ó happy life ÔÂÓ³ÖñÂ¥ bamboo building be bathed in moon ¾°ÆÄɽ Jinpo hill ÈðÀöÃÀ Ruili beauty Ííϼ afterglow Î弶 fifth class ÖñÁÖÉî´¦ the depth of bamboo forest ÖñÂ¥Çé¸è bamboo building ballad ¶àÇéµÄ°ÍÎÚ amorous Bawu ÒÍÏçСµ÷ countryside canzonet of Yi nationality ¶±ÏçÖ®Ò¹ the night of Dong nationality countryside С²·ÉÙ nipper ¿×ȸ¹ÃÄï peacock girl Áù¼¶ sixth class ´öÏçÇé¸è ballad of Dai nationality À­ìïÇé lahu passion (Lagu is minority dialect, I can¡¯t catch on it ) Óæ¸è fisherman's song ½ÚÈյĵ°ºÉ½ De¡¯ang hill in the festival ÔÂҹ˼Ïç miss hometown in the moon night ¹þÄáÇé¸è ballad of Hali nationality Æß¼¶ seventh class «ÏôÇé Luxiao passion »¶Àֵĸ¹â happy gaguang(Gaguang is minority dialect, I can¡¯t catch on it) °¢²ýÇéÉî deep love with Achang ÃλعÊÏç dream to go back to hometown ´ºµ½²ÝÔ­ come to Greenland in the spring °Ë¼¶ eighth class »¶ÀÖµÄÆÃË®½Ú convivial Water-splashing Fastival ½ðÉ«µÄ¿×ȸ gold peacock ÃÔÈ˵ĺù«Ïô attractive Hulusi ÄÁ¸è pastoral ¸Ï°Ú Gangbai (Gangbai is minority dialect, I can¡¯t catch on it) 2005-5-11 15:54:00laura99 Introduction The Hulusi (which means ¡°gourd silk¡±, referring to the instrument¡¯s silky tone) or Huluxiao(translating roughly as ¡°gourd vertical flute¡±)is an end-blown free reed pipe with gourd windchest .Single pipe specimens are rare, most Hulusi having a melody pipe and at least one drone pipe. Hulusi has a melody pipe and two shorter drone pipes, although this one has only a single drone pipe that actually sounds, the other being dummy. The Hulusi is most commonly associated with the Dai minority(who call it Bilangdao),but it is also found amongst other minorith groups of Southern China such as the Achang, Jingpo and Wa. Each pipe has a triangular free reed made of brass and the fingering of the melody pipe is that same as that of the Bawu.The two-pipe instrument show above is in the key of G and plays the scale D E F# G A B D E with the drone pipe playing a low D. The three pipe instrument shown above is pitched in C and plays the scale G A B C D E G A, with the drone pipe playing a high E: In both instruments, the drone can be "switched off" by plugging the end of the pipe and like the bawu, additional melodic pitches can be played by cross-fingering and half-holing. As with many traditional instruments of the Chinese ethnic minorities, "improved" versions have been produced, with increased melodic range and brass, plastic or ceramic replacements for the gourd. So-called double hulusi have also been developed, with two melody pipes tuned a fourth apart, capable of polyphonic playing. The bawu is a side-blown reedpipe found in Southern China, played by the Dai, Hani, Miao, Yi and other minorities. When in use it resembles a typical side-blown bamboo flute, but it has a triangular free reed made from brass set into the side of the pipe, surrounded by a bone mouthpiece: This is a fairly traditional model, having a thumb hole, six finger holes, plus a tuning hole and a range of just over an octave. Unlike the ala and ding tac ta, the pipe is closed at one end. It is made from two sections of bamboo and its overall tuning can be varied by adjusting the joint between the two pieces. This is a key of G instrument and plays the scale D E F# G A B D E: Additional pitches can be played by cross-fingering and/or half-holing and a G instrument would typically also be played in the keys of D, C and sometimes Bb. In recent years, the rich, mellow tone of the bawu has become a favorite with composers of film soundtracks (the bawu was strongly featured in the score to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon") and many small Chinese music ensembles now feature a bawu player. "Improved" bawu have appeared over the last few decades, with increased range, plastic construction, finger keys, etc. Additional pitches can be played by cross-fingering and/or half-holing and a G instrument would typically also be played in the keys of D, C and sometimes Bb. In recent years, the rich, mellow tone of the bawu has become a favorite with composers of film soundtracks (the bawu was strongly featured in the score to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon") and many small Chinese music ensembles now feature a bawu player. "Improved" bawu have appeared over the last few decades, with increased range, plastic construction, finger keys, etc. µÚÒ»µ¥Ôª »ù´¡ÖªÊ¶elementary knowledge Ò»¡¢ ºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚ¼ò½éIntroduction ºù«˿Óֳƺù«Ïô£¬´öÓï³Æ֮ΪóÙÄÏĸµ¹£¨ÄÏĸµ¹¼´ºù«֮Ò⣩¡£Á÷ÐÐÓÚµáÎ÷µÂºê¡¢±£É½¡¢ÈðÀöµÈ´ö×åµØÇø£¬ÔÚ°¢²ý×å¡¢²¼ÀÊ×å¡¢µÂ°º×åÖÐÒ²½ÏΪÁ÷ÐС£ºù«˿µÄÆðÔ´¿É×·Ëݵ½ÏÈÇØʱ´ú£¬Ãñ¼äÁ÷´«×ÅÐí¶à¹ØÓÚºù«˿ÆðÔ´µÄ¶¯ÈË´«Ëµ£¬Èç´ö×åÃñ¼ä¾ÍÁ÷´«×ÅÕâÑùÒ»¸ö¹ÊÊ£ººÜ¾ÃÒÔÇ°£¬Ò»´Îɽºé±©·¢£¬Ò»Î»´ö¼ÒС²·Ã°±§ÆðÒ»¸ö´óºù«£¬´³¹ý¾ªÌκ§ÀË£¬¾È³öÁË×Ô¼ºµÄÐÄÉÏÈË£¬ËûÖÒÕê²»ÓåµÄ°®Çé¸Ð¶¯ÁË·ð×棬·ð×æ°ÑÖñ¹Ü²åÈë½ðºù«£¬Ë͸øÓ¸ҵÄС²·Ã°£¬Ð¡²·Ã°ÅõÆð½ðºù«£¬´µ³öÁËÃÀÃîµÄÀÖÉù¡£¶Ùʱ£¬·çƽÀ˾²£¬ÏÊ»¨Ê¢¿ª£¬¿×ȸ¿ªÆÁ£¬×£Ô¸Õâ¶ÔÇ鼪ÏéÐÒ¸£¡£´Ó´Ëºù«˿ÔÚ´ö×åÈ˼ÒÊÀ´úÏà´«¡£ ´ö×åÈËÃñ¶à²Å¶àÒÕ£¬ÄܸèÉÆÎè¡£ÔÚ½ÚÈÕÀ²»ÂÛÊÇÔÚ½­Öл®ÁúÖÛ»òÊÇÔÚ½­±ß·Å¸ßÉý£¬»¹ÊÇÔڹ㳡Éϸϰڣ¬»òÊÇÔÚÖñÂ¥ÀïÒû¾Æ£¬¶¼°éËæ×Å´ö×åÈ˶¯È˵ĸèÉù¡£ÔÞ¹þ£¨Ãñ¼ä¸èÊÖ£©ÔÚºù«˿µÄ°é×àϳª×ŹÅÀϵĴ«ËµºÍÃÀÀöµÄÉñ»°£¬³ª×žÉÉç»áµÄÀ§ÄѺÍÐÂÉç»áµÄÐÒ¸£¡£ ºù«˿µÄ¹¹Ôì½ÏÌØÊ⣬ËùÓòÄÁÏÈ¡×ÔÌìÈ»£¬´¿ÊÖ¹¤Íê³ÉÖÆ×÷¹ý³Ì¡£ËüÓɺù«¡¢Ö÷¹Ü¡¢»ÉƬ¡¢¸½¹Ü×é³É£¬Ö÷¹Ü¿ªÓÐÆ߸öÒô¿×£¬ÒôÓòΪ3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6£¬¸½¹Ü³ÖÐø·¢Ò»¸öÒô¡£ºù«˿·¢ÒôÓÅÃÀ¡¢Ç×ÇУ¬ÂÔ´ø±ÇÒô£¬ÉÃÓÚ±íʾÎÂÈáϸÄåµÄ¸ÐÇ飬¸øÈËÒÔº¬ÐîëüëʵÄÃÀ¸Ð¡£ÒòΪËü·¢³öµÄÉùÒôÓÐÈ綶¶¯Ë¿³ñÄÇÑùÆ®ÒÝ¡¢ÇáÈᣬËùÒÔ³ÆËüΪºù«˿. °ÍÎÚÔÚÔÆÄϹþÄá×å¡¢ÒÍ×åµÈÉÙÊýÃñ×åÖÐÆÕ±éÁ÷ÐеÄÒô»É¹ÜÀÖÆ÷£¬ÓÃ×ì°ü×Å´µ¿Úºá´µ¡£ËüºÍºù«˿ÓÐ׏²Í¬µÄԴȪ£¬Æä·¢ÒôÔ­ÀíÏàͬ£¬ÒôÓòÏàͬ£¬ÑÝ×à·½·¨Ò²Ò»Ñù£¬ÒôÉ«Ò²ºÜÏàËÆ£¬Ö»ÊÇ°ÍÎÚµÄÒôÉ«½Ïºñʵ£¬ËùÒÔÓС°»á´µºù«˿¾Í»á´µ°ÍÎÚ¡±µÄ˵·¨£¬Òò´Ë³ÆËûÃÇΪæ¢ÃÃÀÖÆ÷¡£ Hulusi has another name of Huluxiao, the dialect of Dai minority intituled Bilangdao(Bilangdao means Calabash). It has been enjoying general popularity in Yunan Dehong minority, Baoshan minority , Ruili minority etc and is also very popular in Achang minorith , Buna minority and De¡¯ang minority. Hulusi¡¯s original can trace back to the Qing dynasty of old China while there were many affecting folklores concerning Hulusi. take an example, there was a story be came down in Dai minority , long long ago, the flood broke out, a Dai youth carried a big calabash and crossed a situation full of danger terrifying waves, and then brought off his Miss right. As this constancy of love attitude affected the God, and at that moment a bamboo tube be inserted in the gold calabash by God and be present to this brave youth. Finally, he hold it in both hand ,the grace music came out . At once, there are very calm and flowers bloom , peacocks spread their tail to display its fine feathers. Dai people are versatile, be good at singing and dancing. In the festival, wherever the grace singing of Dai were existed. HaZan(folk singer) especially like to sang song accompany by Hulusi. Hulusi¡¯s constitution are unique, used the natural material, made by hand. It is consis of calabash, main tube, reed and sub-tube.. And the main tube has seven sound hole, diapason are 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6, sub-tube just emit one sound sostenuto. The sound character of Hulusi are grace, amiable, a little bit rhonchus , be good at expressing soft and exquisite emotion, be covered with blear and beautiful feeling. Bawu is very popular pipe instrument in Yuanan Hali, Yi nationality etc. The perform manner is cover the hole by moth and blow. It¡¯s pronunciation theory ,diapason, musical performance and tamber are seem with Hulusi, a difference is Bawu¡¯s tamber are more deeper than it. There were a ideal is that you can perform Hulusi if you can perform Bawu, so they have been called sister instrument. Page 3 Èý¡¢ °´¿×·½·¨¼°²¿Î» press way and place ËÄ¡¢ ÑÝ×à×ËÊÆ performance pose Îå¡¢ ÆøÏ¢µÄÔËÓà breath application ´µ×àºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÆøÏ¢ÓëÖñµÑ¡¢ÊúµÑµÄÆøÏ¢½ØÈ»²»Í¬¡£ÖñµÑ¡¢ÊúµÑ´µ×àµÍÒôʱÆøÁ÷ÒªÇỺ£¬¶ø´µ×àºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎڵĵÍÒô£¨µÍÒô¡°3¡±Òô³öÍ⣩ÆøÁ÷Ҫǿ£»ÖñµÑ¡¢ÊúµÑ´µ×à¸ßÒôʱÆøÁ÷Ҫǿ£¬¶øºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎڵĸßÒôÖ»ÄÜ»º´µ£¬Èç¹ûÓÃÆø¹ýÃÍ¿ÉÄܵ¼ÖÂÎÞÀÖÒô»òË𻵻ÉƬ¡£Í¬Ñ§ÃÇ×îºÃÔÚÀÏʦµÄÖ¸µ¼ÏÂÁªÏµ¡£ There are a big difference between Hulusi, Bawu and bamboo flute , clarinet of breath application. Bamboo flute and clarinet need be blow with smooth steam when bourdon play, on the contrary, for Hulusi and Bawu(expect of bourdon ¡°3¡±), that is, Hulusi & Bawu need be blow with strong steam when bourdon play. Bamboo flute & clarinet need be blow with strong steam when alt play, on the contrary, for Hulusi &Bawu,that is ,Hulusi & Bawu need be blow with smooth steam when alt play. Otherwise, they will be damage. May as well, on the teacher¡¯s direction, to play Hulusi and Bawu. 2005-6-27 16:22:00laura99


µÚ¶þµ¥Ôª ÈëÃÅÁ·Ï° base exercise Ò»¡¢¡°5¡±ÒôµÄÁ·Ï°£¨Ö¸·¨Èçͼ£© exercise for tone ¡°5¡±(fingering as following picture) ÑÝ×àÌáʾ performance hint ¡ð1È«°´×÷5¼´Í²ÒôΪ5£¬¿ªµÚÈý¿×Ϊ1£¬ÕâÊǺù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚ×îÒ×ÕÆÎÕÒ²ÊÇÓõÃ×î¶àµÄ´µ×àÖ¸·¨¡£¡ð2¡°T¡±Îªµ¥Í·ûºÅ£¬±íʾ´ËÒôÒªÍÂ×࣬¿ÉÏÈÓá°tu¡±À´Á·³ª£¬´µ×àʱҪÏñ³ª¡°tu¡± À´Á·³ª£¬´µ×àʱҪÏñ³ª¡°tu¡±ÄÇÑùÈ¥´µ£¬±ÜÃâÓá°hu¡±È¥´µ¡£ÒôÍ·ÐèÓÃÍÂÒô´µ×à¡£¡ð3³¤ÒôÁ·Ï°ÊǺù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚÑÝ×àÊ®·ÖÖØÒªµÄÁ·Ï°£¬×¢ÒâÎüÆøʱҪÉîһЩ£¬±£Ö¤Óгä×ãµÄÆøÁ¿Íê³É³¤ÒôµÄ´µ×à¡£¡ð4. ¡°V¡±Îª»»Æø·ûºÅ£¬´µµ½¡°V¡±´¦Òª»»Ò»¿ÚÆø£¬³õѧʱҪÑø³ÉÁ¼ºÃµÄ»»ÆøÏ°¹ß¡£ ¡ð1To press 5 for total hole, that is drum sound 5, and then open the third hole for 1(do), which is the most elementary and common use of Hulusi & Bawu performance ¡ð2 ¡®T¡¯ is the signal spit(T) mark and denotes this tone should be spit playing, it can be exercise as ¡°to¡± at first, and avoid to play as ¡°hu¡±. Tone head should play by T¡£¡ð3It is very important for long sound exercise of Hulusi & Bawu, pay attention to take a heavy breath so that the enough air can be fulfill long sound performance.. ¡ð4 ¡®V¡¯ is the mark of air changing, it should be changed an air when play ¡®V¡¯.The good habit should be became in the beginning of air changing. ÑÝ×àÌáʾ performance hint ÿ¸öÒô¾ùÓÃÍÂÒô´µ×à¡£ÍÂÒô¿É½«Í¬¶ÈÒô·Ö¿ª¡£µ±Í¬Ñ§´µÍêÁËÒ»¸öÒôÒÔºó£¬ËæÖ®»á³öÏÖ¹ÖÒô¡°¹¾¡±Òô£¬ÑÏÖØÓ°ÏìÁË´µ×àЧ¹û¡£ÔõÑù²ÅÄܱÜÃâÄØ£¿µ±Äã´µÍêÒ»¸öÒôºó£¬½«×ì´½¿ìËÙÕÅ¿ª»ò¿ìËÙ½«´µ×ì°Î³ö¿Ú£¬¼´¿É±ÜÃ⣬²»¹ýÕâÐèҪͨ¹ýÁ·Ï°²ÅÄÜ×öµ½¡£ Every tone should be play with T(ÍÂÒô), it can part the unisonous sound. The ¡®gu¡¯will come down after a tone come out, which affect the performance severely. And then, how can it be avoided? Please open your mouth or give up the blast gun quickly after the first tone come out , but, it need to be exercised more. Page 5 ÀÖÀíС֪ʶ music knowledge Ò»¡¢ ÒôµÄ³¤¶ÌºÍÒô·û£¨ÒÔ¡°5¡±ÎªÀý£©tone length and note È«Òô·û ËÄÅÄ 5 £­ £­ £­ semibreve ¶þ·ÖÒô·û Á½ÅÄ 5 £­ halfnote ËÄ·ÖÒô·û Ò»ÅÄ 5 quarter note °Ë·ÖÒô·û °ëÅÄ 5 eight note Ê®Áù·ÖÒô·û 1/4 ÅÄ 5 sixteenth note ¶þ¡¢ÅĺŠBeat No. ±íʾÅÄ×ӵļǺţ¬½Ð×öÅĺš£Ò»°ã±ê¼ÇÔÚÀÖÆ×µÄ×óÉÏ·½¡£ÀýÈ磺2/4¡¢ 3/8¡¢2/2 ¡£ÅĺÅÖзÖ×Ó±íʾÿС½ÚµÄÅÄÊý£»·Öĸ±íʾÒÔijÖÖÒô·ûºÅΪһÅÄ¡£È磺 What mark of beat we called beat No, which usually be attached on the top left part of score, for instance, 2/4, 3/8, 2/2 ¡£The numerator of beat number denote number of each section, denominator denote one beat of some note. 2 ÿС½Ú2ÅÄ two beat of every section 4 ÿËÄ·ÖÒô·ûΪһÅÄ one beat every quarter note 3 ÿС½Ú3ÅÄ three beat of every section 8 ÿ°Ë·ÖÒô·ûΪһÅÄ one beat of every eight note 2 ÿС½Ú2ÅÄ two beat of every section 4 ÿ¶þ·ÖÒô·ûΪһÅÄ one beat of halfnote ³£ÓÃÅĺŠcommon beat No. ¶þ·ÖÖ®¶þÅÄ 2/2 2/2 beat ËÄ·Ö×Ó¶þÅÄ 2/4 2/4 beat ËÄ·ÖÖ®ÈýÅÄ 3/4 3/4 beat ËÄ·ÖÖ®ËÄÅÄ 4/4 4/4 beat °Ë·ÖÖ®ÈýÅÄ 3/8 3/8 beat °Ë·ÖÖ®ÁùÅÄ 6/8 6/8 beat °Ë·Ö֮ʮ¶þÅÄ 12/8 12/8 beat Èý¡¢ÐÝÖ¹·ûrest ±íʾÉùÒôÍ£¶ÙµÄ·ûºÅ£¬½ÐÐÝÖ¹·û£¬Óá°0¡±À´±íʾ ÐÝÖ¹·ûºÍÒô·ûÒ»Ñù¿É·ÖΪ£ºÈ«ÐÝÖ¹·û£¬¶þ·ÖÐÝÖ¹·û£¬ËÄ·ÖÐÝÖ¹·û£¬°Ë·ÖÐÝÖ¹·ûºÍÊ®Áù·ÖÐÝÖ¹·û¡£ The rest denote sound break down, it be called rest and shown as ¡®0¡¯ in the music book. Rest can be disport as note full-rest, half-rest quarter rest, eight rest and sixteen rest. Page 7 ÀÖÀíС֪ʶ£¨¶þ£©knowledge of music Ò»¡¢ ¸½µãÒô(¡¡£®)·û dotted note ´øÓи½µãµÄÒô·û½Ð¸½µãÒô·û,дÔÚÒô·ûÓұߵÄСԭµã¡°£®¡±½Ð¸½µã£¬¸½µãµÄ×÷ÓÃÊǽ«Ô­Òô·ûµÄʱֵÑÓ³¤Ò»°ë¡£³£Óõĸ½µãÒô·ûÓУº The note be dotted is called dotted note, which showed by small ball point ¡® £®¡¯, its fuction is pronglong half note of original note .The common dotted no as followings ¸½µãËÄ·ÖÒô·û quarter note of dotted note ¸½µã°Ë·ÖÒô·û eight note of dotted note ¸½µãÊ®Áù·ÖÒô·û sixteen note of dotted note ¶þ¡¢Ð¡½ÚÏß¡¢Ð¡½Ú¡¢ÖÕÖ¹Ïß section line, section, end line С½Ú section С½Ú section С½Úsection С½ÚÏß secion line С½ÚÏß section line С½ÚÏß section line ÖÕÖ¹Ïß end line Hulusi and Bawu. ÆøÏ¢µÄÔËÓÃbreath application ÆøÏ¢µÄÔËÓã¬ÔÚËùÓдµ×àÀÖÆ÷Öж¼ÏÔµÃÓÈΪÖØÒª£¬ÌرðÊÇÔÚºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚÖÐÆøÏ¢µÄ¿ØÖÆ£¬Á¦¶ÈµÄ·ÖÅ䣬ÊÇÑÝ×àºÃºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÖØÒª»·½Ú£¬Ö÷Òª½²Ò»½²´µ×àÒô½×ʱµÄÆøÏ¢ÔËÓ᣺ù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÔËÆøºÍÆäËü´µ×àÀÖÆ÷ÓÐÃ÷ÏԵIJî±ð£¬Ò»°ãµÄ´µ×àÀÖÆ÷µ±ÑÝ×ൽ¸ßÒô¶¼ÐèÒªÒ»¶¨µÄÁ¦¶ÈºÍÇ¿¶È£¬ÒôÔ½¸ßÁ¦¶ÈҪԽǿ£¬Ïñ¶ÔÓÚµÍÒôµÄÑÝ×àÒª¸üÓÃÁ¦£¬¶øºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚÇ¡Ç¡Ïà·´£¬Ô½ÊǸßÒôÆøÁ÷¾ÍÔ½Èõ£¬Ìرðʱ¸ßÒô5ºÍ6µÄ´µ×ֻ࣬Ðè½Ï»ºµÄÆøÁ÷¼´¿É¡£·´Ö®Ôò»áµ¼Ö¸ßÒôË𻵣¬¼ÓÓÍÆøÁ÷Éù»ò¸ù±¾¾ÍûÓÐÀÖÉù£¬¹Ê³õѧÕßÑÝ×à¸ßÒôʱҪÌرð×¢ÒâÆøÁ÷Ò»¶¨ÒªÇ建¡£ Breath application is significant for all wind instruments, especially for Hulusi and Bawu, and the dynamic distribution is the key for Hulusi and Bawu performance¡£The breath application of play music scale will be give a lecture for details. There are distinct difference between Hulusi ,Bawu and other instruments of breath application. Popular wind instrument need a certain dynamics and intension when alt play, that is, the more alt, the more strong breath be support. But it is opposite for Hulusi and Bawu, its character is , the more alt, the more weak breath be support£¬especially for alt 5 and 6. whereas, it can occur alt loss , the tone company with breath sound or no musical sound. 5 6 7 1( ¡£) 2( ¡£) 3( ¡£) 5( ¡£) 6( ¡£) ÎÒÃÇ¿ÉÒÔ¸ù¾ÝÏÂͼÀ´½øÐÐÆøÏ¢Á¦¶ÈµÄ·ÖÅ䣺 Ç¿ Èõ Ϊʲôºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÆøÏ¢ÔËÓûáÈç´ËÌØÊ⣬ÎÒ´Ó·¢Òô»ÉƬµÄ¹´×ÅÉÏÀ´½²¿ÉÄÜ»á¸üÈÝÒ×Àí½â£¬ÇëͬѧÃÇ¿´Ò»¿´ÕâÊÇ·Å´óºóµÄºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÐÄÔಿ¼þ¡ª¡ª»ÉƬģÐÍ£º ËüµÄÕñ¶¯ÊÇ¿¿ÖмäÏñÄñµÄÉàÍ·ÕâһƬÉÏÏÂÕñ¶¯¶ø²úÉúÒô²¨£¬ËüµÄÌصãÊÇ£ºÍ·²¿µ½¸ù²¿ÓɼâÖð½¥±ä¿í£¬Í·²¿½Ï¼â£¬¸ù²¿½Ï¿í£¬ÎÒÃÇÕâÑùÀí½â£º¸ù²¿µÄÕñ¶¯ÊǾö¶¨µÍÒôµÄ·¢Òô, ÒòΪ¸ù²¿½Ï¿í¹ÊÔÚÕñ¶¯Ê±ÆøÁ÷ÐèÒª¼ÓǿһЩ£»¼â²¿µÄÕñ¶¯ÊǾö¶¨¸ßÒôµÄ·¢Òô£¬ÒòΪͷ²¿½Ï¼âϸ£¬¹ÊÔÚÕñ¶¯ÊÇÎÞÐèÌ«Ç¿µÄÆøÁ÷. According to the following drawing , it can be made a distribution. Why the breath application of Hulusi and Bawu is so especial. The explanation of voice reed can help to understand. Now, let¡¯s look at the key part of Hulusi and Bawu ,which be magnified and is a reed model . The libration come into being by the middle part that like the bird tongue, which librate and sound wave come into being. Its character is that the part ¡ª¡ªfrom head to end broaden step by step, the head is narrow and the end is wider than the head. So, we can catch on that the end libration decide the bass pronunciation for the end is wider and it need more strong air while it librate, the libration of acuate part decide the high pronuciation for the acuate part is acuate and it needn¡¯t more strong air while it librate. 2005-6-27 16:27:00motoxu ÄÑ°¡~~~ 2005-6-27 16:41:00laura99 ÑÝ×à±Ø¶Á£¨¶þ£© performance information ¡°¹¾¡±ÒôµÄ±ÜÃâ ¡®gu¡¯ avoiding ºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎڵķ¢Òô·Ç³£Ìرð£¬ÈçÆøÏ¢½ÏÈõ·¢³öµÄÒô´ÓÍ·µ½Î²Ö»ÓÐÒ»¸ö¡°¹¾¡±Òô£¬³õѧÕßÒ»°ã¶¼»á·¢³öÕâÖÖÒô£¬ÎÒÃÇ¿ÉÒÔÊÔ×ÅÂýÂýµÄ¼ÓÁ¦Òô¼´±äΪÕý³££¬Ò²¾ÍÊÇ˵ºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÑÝ×àÆøÏ¢ÐèÒªÒ»¶¨µÄÇ¿¶È£¬ÌرðÊǵÍÒôÇøµÄÑÝ×àÁ¦¶ÈÒª¸üǿһЩ£¬·¢³öµÄÒô²ÅÕý³£¡£ The voice of Hulusi and Bawu is very especial, such as the ¡®gu¡¯ will come down if the weak breath be blowed. The ¡®gu¡¯ will come down in the beginning of Hulusi and Bawu study, as to this condition, we can increase the breath and then it can became normal. The mentioned above make out that the performance of Hulusi and Bawu need a certain strong breath to support , especially for the bourdon. ÏÂÃæ½²Ò»ÏÂÔõÑù²ÅÄÜ´µ³öÒ»¸öÕý³£µÄÒô¡£Ó¦¸Ã²ÉÓÃʲô·½·¨£¬´ó¶à³õѧÕßµ±ÄÜ´µ³öÕý³£µÄÒôºó¶¼»áÓöµ½ÕâÑùÁ½¸öÎÊÌ⣬һÒôÍ·×ÜÊÇ¡°¹¾¡±ÒôÏÈ·¢³ö½Ó×Ųŷ¢³öÕý³£Òô£¬¶þÊǵ±´µÍêÒ»¸öÒôºó£¬Òôβ×ÜÊÇ»á´ø³öÒ»¸ö¡°¹¾¡±Òô£¬ÑÏÖصÄÓ°ÏìÁË´µ×àЧ¹û£¬ÏÖÔÚ½²Ò»ÏÂÔõÑù±ÜÃâÒôÍ·ºÍÒôβµÄ¡°¹¾¡±Òô¡£Ê×ÏȽâ¾öÒôÍ·µÄ¡°¹¾¡±Éù£¬´ó¶à³õѧÕß¾ùÓá°ºô¡±À´´µ×àÒôÍ·£¬ÎÒÃÇ¿ÉÒÔÌå»áһϣ¬Ò»¿ÚÆø¡°ºô¡±³öÀ´£¬ÆøÍ·ÊÇÈíµÄ£¬ÆøÁ÷ºÜÈõ£¬·¢³öµÄÒô±ãÊÇ¡°¹¾¡±Éù£¬¶ûºóËæ×ÅÆøÁ÷Á¦¶ÈµÄÔö¼Ó£¬·¢Òô²ÅÕý³£¡£Æäʵ½â¾ö·½·¨ºÜ¼òµ¥£¬Ö»Òª´ó¼ÒÓá°Í¡±¿ª¿Ú¼´¿É±ÜÃ⣬Ϊʲô¡°Í¡±Òô¿ÉÒÔ±ÜÃâÄØ£¿ÒòΪÎÒÃÇ·¢¡°Í¡±ÒôÊÇÆäʵÊÇÒ»¸ö±©·¢ÐԵĶ¯×÷£¬´ó¼Ò¿ÉÒÔÌå»áһϣ¬ÎÒÃÇÖªµÀ£¬±¬·¢¿Ï¶¨´øÓÐÒ»¶¨µÄÁ¦¶ÈºÍÇ¿¶È£¬Ê¹ÆøÁ÷Ò»³öÀ´¾Í´ïµ½ÁË·¢Õý³£ÒôËùÐèµÄÁ¦¶È£¬¿ÉʹÀÖÆ÷·¢³öÕý³£Òô¡£ËùÒÔÖ»ÒªÎÒÃÇÓá°Í¡±Òô¿ªÍ·£¬ÒôÍ·±ãÇåˬ¸É¾»¡£ As follows, first, what how to blow a normal tone will be explained. On the one hand, the normal tone will come down before the ¡®gu¡¯ came out in the beginning. On the other hand, the ¡®gu¡¯ will come down after a tone complete, and it has affected the performance effect. second, as to how to avoid the ¡®gu¡¯ of the tone head and tone ending, we should shot the ¡®gu¡¯ of the tone head, through many abecedarian use ¡®hu¡¯ to play tone head so that we can catch on that, the breath head is soft and weak, and the ¡®gu¡¯ is come out. Thereafter, the normal tone came normal along with the air strength increase. The resolvent is to play ¡®to¡¯. Because the action of playing ¡®to¡¯ is fulminating , it has a certain dynamics and intensity. The intensity of normal pronunciation be reached when the air come down. , and the tone head is clear . Æä´Î½â¾öµÄÊÇÒôβµÄ¡°¹¾¡±Éù£¬µ±´µÍêÒ»¸öÒôºó£¬ËæÖ®±ã»á³öÏÖ¡°¹¾¡±Éù£¬ÌýÆðÀ´ºÜ²»Êæ·þ£¬ÎªÊ²Ã´»á³öÏÖÕâ¸ö¡°¹¾¡±ÉùÄØ£¿ÒòΪµ±Äã´µÍêÒ»¸öÒôºó£¬Æäʵ¿ÚÇ»ÀﻹÓÐÓàÆø£¬Õⲿ·ÖÓàÆøÊÍ·Åʱ£¬¼¸ºõûÓÐÁ¦¶ÈºÍÇ¿¶È£¬¹Ê·¢³öµÄÒô±ãÊÇ¡°¹¾¡±Éù£¬ÎÒÃÇÒª±ÜÃâËü£¬Ö»ÓдµÍêºó£¬¿ìËٵİÑ×촽΢΢ÕÅ¿ª£¬°ÑÆøÁ÷¶Ïµô£¬ÓàÆøÒÀÈ»±£ÁôÔÚ¿ÚÇ»À±ã¿É±ÈÂôŪÓàÒô¡°¹¾¡±µÄ³öÏÖ¡£ The second problem is ¡®gu¡¯ shooting, the ¡®gu¡¯ will come down after a sound come out, it is too harsh for ear. The causation is the remanent air be stayed in the oral cavity, there are hardly dynamics and intensity when the remanent air release. So that the ¡®gu¡¯ come down. The resolvent is that open you mouth a litter and cut off the airflow after a sound be blew out.Though the remanent air still stayed in mouth , it is good than the ¡®gu¡¯ come down. Page 13 ÑÝ×à±Ø¶Á£¨Èý£©performance information °´¿×²¿Î»¼°ÊÖÐÎ part of press hole and hand shape 1£® °´¿×²¿Î» part of press hole Òª´µ³öÒ»¸öÕý³£µÄÒô£¬ÓÐÒ»µãÊDZØÐè×öµ½µÄ£¬·²ÒªÇó¹Ø±ÕµÄÒô¿×ÊDz»ÄÜ©ÆøµÄ£¬Ò»Ë¿¶¼²»ÄÜ©£¬·ñÔò£¬·¢³öµÄÒôÔò²»×¼È·£¬ÈÃÈ˸оõ´Ì¶ú²»ÊµÔÚ¡£ÎªÁ˱£Ö¤Ëù°´Òô¿×²»Â©Æø£¬ÎÒÃDzÉÓÃÖ¸¶Ç°´¿×£¬±ÜÃâÖ¸¼âºÍÖ¸Ñü°´¿×£¬ÒòΪָ¶ÇÃæ»ýÏà¶ÔÖ¸¼âºÍÖ¸ÑüÒª¿íһЩ£¬Æä´ÎÖ¸¶Ç°´¿×ÊÖÐÎÃÀ¹Û£¬²¢±ãÓÚÑÝ×࣬¹ÊÎÒÃÇÔÚ°´¿×ʱ²ÉÓÃÖ¸¶Ç°´¿×¡£ The point is very important for a normal tone , which is that you should keep breath of your sound hole, otherwise, the sound you blow is not exact and it was harsh for audience. As to ensure the sound hole close, we should use ball of the fingers to press and avoid the head of fingers and the middle part of the fingers for the one reason of that the ball of the finger is broader than others, another reason is the hand shape is perfect and performance convenience if you press sound hole by ball of fingers 2£® ÊÖÐÎ hand shape ΪÁ˱£Ö¤ÊÖÐÎÃÀ¹Û±ãÓÚÑÝ×࣬¶ÔÊÖÐεÄÒªÇóÓÈΪÖØÒª£¬Ó¦±ÜÃâÕ⼸ÖÖ×ËÊÆ£»µ¹Íóʽ¡¢»úÒíʽ¡¢¿×ȸ¿ªÆÁʽ¡£ ÑÝ×àʱÁ½¸öʳָ²»ÒªÒÀ¸½ÔÚ¸½¹ÜÉÏ£¬ÕâÑù»áÓ°ÏìÃÀ¹ÛºÍÑÝ×àµÄ¼¼ÇÉ£¬Õû¸öÊÖÐÎÓ¦×öµ½¡°Í¨¡±¡¢¡°ËÉ¡±¡¢¡°¿Õ¡±¡£ Ë«ÊÖµÄСָӦÓÃÊǾö¶¨ÊÖÐεÄÖØÒªÒòËØ£¬Á½¸öСָËùÆð×÷ÓÃÓÐÈý¸ö£º Assured the perfect hand shape and performance convenience, please pay attention to your correct fingering. Please don¡¯t put two index finger on the vice tube for keep the perfect performance pose and good performance habit, in which the principle is that hand shape should be flowing, loose and hollow. The litter finger is key element of hand shape decision, which function as follows, ¡ð1Æ𵽹̶¨×÷Ó㬳õѧÕß´ó¶àÒÀ¿¿Ê³Ö¸À´¹Ì¶¨ºù«˿£¬±ãÐγÉÁËÒÔÉϽ²µÄ¿×ȸ¿ªÆÁʽ¡£µ±²ÉÓÃСָ¹Ì¶¨£¬¿ÉʹÁ½¸öʳָ½â·Å£¬ÊÖÐÎÃÀ¹Û¡£ The first function is firmness. Many abecedarian moored the Hulusi by index finger so that the Hand shape will too open . The hand shape will be grace and Hulusi handing will be very firm if you hand it by litter finger. ¡ð2Æ𵽶¨Î»×÷Óã¬ÓеÄͬѧÑÝ×àÍêÏÂÈýÒô¿×ʱ£¬ÏÂÊÖСָ̧Æðºó£¬ÏÂÊÖÖ¸»áÒÆ룬´ýÑÝ×ൽÏÂÈýÒô¿×ʱ¾Í»áÕÒ²»µ½Òô¿×£¬ÓÐÁËСָµÄ¶¨Î»±ã¿É±ÜÃâÒÔÉÏÇé¿ö¡£ The second function is orientation. Many student used to uplift their litter finger of the nether hand that placed on Hulusi after the third hole play, and then they can¡¯t find the sound hole, if the case like that , the litter finger orientation will be work out. ¡ð3ÊÖÐÎÃÀ¹Û£¬Ð¡Ö¸µÄÔËÓñÜÃâ¿×ȸ¿ªÆÁʽ£¬ÔÚÍâÐÎÉÏ´ïµ½ÃÀ¹Û¡£ ³õѧÕßСָµÄÓ¦Óò»ÈݺöÊÓ£¬ÆäÔËÓùæÂÉΪ£ºµ±Óõ½ÏÂÈýÖ¸Ó¦×ÔȻ̧Æ𣬷ñÔò»áʹÏÂÈýÖ¸µÄÑÝ×಻´óÁé»î£¬µ±²»ÓÃÏÂÈýÖ¸Ó¦·Åµ½Ö÷¹ÜÉÏ£¬ÉÏÊÖָҲͬÑùÈç´Ë£¬´ýÊìÁ·ºó£¬Ï°¹ß³É×ÔÈ»£¬Ð¡Ö¸µÄÓ¦ÓþÍÁé»îÁË£¬ÔڽϿìµÄÀÖÇúÑÝ×àÖУ¬Ð¡Ö¸Ó¦Óÿɲ»ÊÜ´ËÏÞÖÆ£¬·ñÔò»á¹Ê´Ëʧ±Ë£¬Ó°ÏìÐýÂɵÄÁ÷³©¡£ The third function is grace hand shape or perfect performance pose. The application of litter finger should be attached importance, the principle is as follows., the third finger of the nether hand that placed on Hulusi should lift naturally, otherwise it will be clumsy, and then it will be placed on the main tube when it is not work. The third finger of the upper hand that placed on Hulusi should do like the above. After it become the habit and proficient, litter finger application will be flexible. But litter finger will be free of this principle in the fast music performance, otherwise , it will be effect the last from the former and the cantus will be not fluent. 2005-6-27 16:42:00laura99


µÚÈýµ¥Ôª Unit three ÈçºÎÃÀ»¯ÒôÉ«£¬Ê¹´µ³öÀ´µÄÀÖÉùÓÅÃÀ¶¯Ìý£¬Òô×¼´ï±ê£¬ÒôÉ«¡¢ÒôÁ¿ÒªÓб仯£¬´µ×àʱÁ¬ÒôÓë¶ÏÒôÇåÎú¸»Ô£±íÏÖÁ¦£¬Æä¹Ø¼üÔÚÓÚ´µ×àʱµÄÆøÏ¢¿ØÖÆ£¬Æ½Ê±¶àÁ·³¤Òô¡¢Á¬Òô¡¢Ç¿Èõ±ä»¯Òô¡£ÔÚºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÑÝ×àÖÐÆøÏ¢µÄÔËÓã¬ÍêÈ«¾ö¶¨×Å´µ×àЧ¹û£¬Í¬Ñ§ÃűØÐëÔÚÆøÏ¢µÄÁ·Ï°É϶àϹ¦·ò¡£ How to get the perfect tamber , fair-sounding sounds, correct and standard sound . The key is to control breath correctly, which decided the performance effect, so that the more exercise of it is necessary. ÈËÃÇͨ¹ýºôÎüµÄ·½·¨ÓÐÈýÖÖ£¬¼´£ºÐØʽºôÎü·¨¡¢¸¹Ê½ºôÎü·¨¡¢Ðظ¹ÁªºÏʽºôÎü·¨¡£ÓÉÓÚºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎڲɵÄÊÇÐظ¹ÁªºÏʽºôÎü·¨£¬ÔÚ»»ÆøʱÓÿڱÇͬʱÎüÆøÒÔ¿ÚΪÖ÷£¬ºô³öʱҪ¿ØÖÆסÆøÏ¢£¬Ó¦ÓÃÐؼ¡¡¢¸¹¼¡ºÍºá¸ôĤµÄ¿ØÖÆÄÜÁ¦£¬Ê¹ÆøÁ÷Äܹ»¾ùÔÈ£¬ºôÎü·½·¨²»ÒªÎ¥·´Õý³£ºôÎü¹æÂÉ£¬·ñÔò»áÓ°ÏìЧ¹û£¬Ò²²»ÀûÓÚÉíÌ彡¿µ¡£Ò»°ã³õѧÕßÒ»¿ÚÆøÄÜ´µ×à10-15Ã룬ͨ¹ýÁ·Ï°ºó£¬Ò»¿ÚÆø¿É´µ×à20-30Ãë¡£ There are three breath ways, which is chest breath, abdominal breath, combination breath of chest and abdomen. The Hulusi and Bawu adopt the combination breath of chest and abdomen and change air by month and nose, in which the mouth is the main breath apparatus, breath control by chest muscle, abdominal muscle and diaphragm muscle while breathe out air on condition that the air can even emit. Assured the breath way should be confirmed with the breath principle, the perfect performance effect will be affect and it is deleterious for your health. The abecedarian can blow 10-15 second usually, they can blow 20-30 second after exercise more. ΪÁËÕÆÎÕÕýÈ·µÄÆøÏ¢·½·¨£¬¿É×÷ÒÔÏÂÁ½ÖÖÁ·Ï°£º In order that we master correct breath, please do the following exercise. 1£® ÂýÎüÂýºô£ºslow inspiration and slow expiration ÉîÉîµØÎüÒ»¿ÚÆø£¬´µÒ»¸ö³¤Òô£¬ÎüÆøʱҪÆøÎü×ã¶ø²»³öÉù£¬ºôÆøʱҪÇó¾ùÔÈ¡¢Æ½ÎÈ£¬Ê±¼ä³¤¶ø²»·ÑÁ¦¡£ Take an air deeply ,and then the long sounds come out. So please pay attention to take the enough air and expire equally , reposefully, fast and easily. 2£® ¿ìÎüÂýºô fast inspiration and slow expiration ÕâÊÇÑÝ×àºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚʱÔËÓÃ×î¶àµÄºôÎü·½·¨£¬ÎüÆøʱ¼äÔ½¶ÌÔ½ºÃ£¬ÒòΪÔÚÀÖÇú½øÐÐÖÐÔÊÐíÎüÆøµÄʱ¼äÊǺ̵ܶģ¬ÌرðÊÇÔÚ¿ì°åÑÝ×àÖеĻ»Æø¡£ The most way of Hulusi and Bawu inspiration is fast inspiration and slow expiration. The shorter air be inspire , the more advantage be exist for performance, because permit of inspiration in the playing is very short, especially for the fast music. Ò»¡¢³¤ÒôÁ·Ï° exercise of long sound Page 35 ËÄ¡¢Ñ­»·»»Æøcircular air changing ÎÒ¹úµÄßïÄÅ¡¢µÑ×ӵȼ¸ÖÖ´µ×àÀÖÆ÷¶¼ÓÐÁ¬Ðø²»¶ÏµØ´µ×àÒ»¸öºÜ³¤µÄÀÖÒô»òÒ»¸öÍêÕûµÄÀÖ¾äÉõÖÁÒ»Ê×ÀÖÇúµÄÇéÐΣ¬ËùÔËÓõļ¼ÇɾͳÆΪ¡°Ñ­»·»»Æø¡±¡£ºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÑÝ×àÒ²ÓÐÑ­»·»»Æø¼¼·¨¡£ÒªÊ¹ÀÖÒôÁ¬Ã಻¶ÏµØ³ÖÐøÏÂÈ¥£¬´µ×àÕß±ØÐë°ÑÆøÁ÷Ô´Ô´²»¶ÏµØ´µµ½´µ×ìÄÚ£¬µ«ÓÉÓÚÈ˵ķλîÁ¿ÊÇ£¬ÒªÓÃÕâÉÙÁ¿µÄÆøʹÀÖÒô³ÖÐøºÜ³¤µÄʱ¼ä£¬Ò»¶¨ÒªÔÚ´µ×àµÄͬʱ°ÑÆøÎüÈë·ÎÄÚ¡£ÔÚÈ˵ÄÉúÀíÏ°¹ßÉϺôÓëÎüÊǶÔÁ¢µÄ¡£Òò´Ë£¬ÎÒÃDZØÐë´Ó¿ÚÇ»ÖÐÏë°ì·¨¡£È˵ĿÚÇ»ÄÜ´¢´æÒ»¶¨µÄÆøÁ¿£¬¿ÉÓÃÕâÒ»²¿·ÖÆøÀ´Íƶ¯ÒôÀÖ¡£µ±¿ÚÇ»ÖеÄÆøÁ÷Ëͳöȥʱ£¬Ñ¸Ëٴӱǿ×ÎüÆøÈë·Î£¬È»ºóÔÙ°ÑÎüÈëµÄÆø¼ÌÐø´µ³ö£¬Ñ­»··´¸´Ê¹ÆøÁ÷Á¬Ðø²»¶Ï£¬²¢ÓÐÒ»¶¨µÄÇ¿¶È¡£µ«Ñ­»·»»ÆøÓÐÒ»¶¨µÄÄѶȣ¬·ÇÒ»ÈÕÖ®¹¦£¬ÒªÍ¨¹ý¼è¿àµÄÁ·Ï°£¬²ÅÄܺܺõØÕÆÎÕÕâÒ»¼¼ÇÉ¡£ The Chinese trumpet and flute play by a long and nonstop sound to complete a very long sound or an integrated music, the skill be used is circular air changing. It is also applicable for Hulusi and Bawu. Executant have to breath the air nonstop for keep the music continuously, but human vital capacity is limited, and for keep the nonstop music , the air should be inspire to the lung when you play. Otherwise, the inspiration and expiration is opposite for human physiological habit . So, we should find the answer from oral cavity because it has some space to store and the air be stored in it can work out music. The way is that take an air fast from nose and send it to lung when the air in the oral cavity be sent out, and then blow up the air you just took. Please repeat the above step and exercise more. 2005-6-27 16:43:00laura99 µÚËĵ¥Ôª ÊÖÖ¸¼¼ÇÉÁ·Ï° fingers skill exercise ºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÊÖÖ¸¼¼ÇÉÄÚÈݷdz£·á¸»£¬ÓÉÓÚÑÝ×àÖÐÊÖÖ¸¼¼ÇɵļÓÈëʹµÃÀÖÇú¸ü¸»±íÏÖÁ¦£¬¸üÈÃÈËÌÕ×í£¬¹ÊÊÖÖ¸¼¼ÇɵÄÁ·Ï°ÓÈÆäΪÖØÒª£¬ÔÚºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚÑÝ×àÖг£ÓõÄÊÖÖ¸¼¼ÇÉÓÐÐéÖ¸²üÒô¡¢ÒÐÒô¡¢´òÒô¡¢²üÒô¡¢»¬Òô¼°×ªµ÷Ö¸·¨¡£ ÊÖÖ¸µÄÔËÓÃÊǾö¶¨ºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚ´µ×àˮƽ¼°ÑÝ×àЧ¹ûµÄÖØÒªÒòËØ£¬Ò»Ê×ÀÖÇúЧ¹ûÓÐÒ»°ë¾ö¶¨ÓÚÊÖÖ¸¼¼ÇÉ£¬Ò»°ë¾ö¶¨ÓÚÆøÏ¢ÔËÓ㬶þÕßµÄÓлú½áºÏ£¬ÔÙ¼ÓÉÏÉàÍ·µÄÁé»îÔËÓã¬ÔÚºù«˿ºÍ°ÍÎÚ²ÅÄÜÑÝ×àºÃ¡£ÌرðÊÇ»¬Òô¡¢²üÒô¡¢ÐéÖ¸²üÒôµÄÓ¦ÓýÏΪ¹ã·º£¬¶øÇÒÊÇÓ°ÏìÑÝ×àЧ¹ûµÄÖØÒªÒòËØ£¬Á·Ï°Ê±Ó¦×ÅÖØÁ·Ï°¡£ The finger skill of Hulusi and Bawu is very plentiful, and it is the key point of Hulusi and Bawu performance, in which, several finger skills is virtual fingering tremolo, appgyiature, ´òÒô,tremolo, portamento and modulation fingering. Combination of Fingering and breath control and tongue application are key element of Hulusi and Bawu performance , especially for portamento, tremolo, virtual fingering tremolo application, which be used widely. Page 47 Áù¡¢ÐéÖ¸²üÒôºÍ¸¹²üÒôÁ·Ï° virtual fingering and abdominal tremolo Ò»¡¢ ÐéÖ¸²üÒôvirtual fingering tremolo ÐéÖ¸²üÒôÔÚºù«˼ÑÝ×༼ÇÉÖÐ×î¾ß´ö×åÃ÷¼ä·ç¸ñ£¬ÐéÖ¸²üÒôÒ²½Ð¸ô¿×´òÒô£¬»¹½Ð×öÖ¸²üÒô£¬Ëü²»Í¬ÓÚÒ»°ãÕý³£µÄ²üÒô£¬ËüÔÚ±¾ÒôλÖõÄ϶þ¿×£¬Æ½ÎÈÉȶ¯£¬Ê¹Æä²úÉúËÆÏÒÀÖÈàÏÒʱµÄЧ¹û£»ÒÔÈ«°´×÷5ΪÀý£¬µ±´µ×à3ʱÓÃÎÞÃûÖ¸Éȶ¯1Òô¿×£¬´µ×à2ʱÓÃʳָÉȶ¯7Òô¿×¡£µ«Òª×¢Òâ²»ÊÇÿ¸öÒô¶¼ÓÃÐéÖ¸²üÒô£¬¶øÊÇÒª¸ù¾ÝÀÖÇúµÄ·ç¸ñ¶ø²ÉÓá£ÔÚÀÖÇúÖÐͨ³£Óà ¡°o¡± ±íʾÐéÖ¸²üÒô¡£ Virtual fingering tremolo is the typical music style of Dai minority , it has been called interval´òÒô and finger tremolo and is different with the normal tremolo for it located below the lower second hole. It voiced smoothly and the dulcet singing come out. In the case of to press total 5 voice, you should press do hole when mi playing, press 7 hole when 2 playing. Please pay attention to that not all the tone use virtual fingering tremolo, which should cater to the music style. ¡°o¡± denote the virtual fingering tremolo in the music. ¶þ¡¢¸¹²üÒô Abdominal tremolo ¸¹²üÒôÓеÄÒ²³ÆÆø²üÒô£¬ÒòΪËüÊÇ¿¿ÆøÏ¢µÄÓйæÂɵÄÇ¿Èõ½»Ìæ¶øÐγɵÄË®ÎÆ°ãµÄÒô²¨£¬ÊÇÒÀ¿¿¸¹¼¡ºÍºá¸ôĤÓе¯ÐԵIJü¶¯¶ø»ñµÃµÄ¡£ÔÚÀÖÇúÖÐͨ³£Óá°¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±±íʾ¸¹²üÒô¡£ Abdominal tremolo has been called another name of air tremolo for it produce sound wave by alternation rule of strong air and weak air, the vibration of abdominal muscle and diaphragm. It be showed ¡°¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±in the music book. Page51 µÚÎåµ¥Ôª UNIT 5 ÉàÍ·ºÃÏñÒ»¸ö»îÈû£¬¿ÉÒÔÆð×è°­ÆøÁ÷µÄ×÷Óá£ÉàÍ·¶Âס´µ¿Ú¾Í·¢Éú¶ÏÒôÏÖÏó£¬ÉàÍ·À뿪´µ¿ÚÉùÒô¾Í¼ÌÐø·¢³ö£¬ÎÒÃÇ´µ×àÒ»°ãÀÖÇúʱ£¬³£ÓÃÁ¬ÒôºÍ¶ÏÒôÁ½ÖÖ·½·¨¡£ÍÂÒô¾ÍÊǽâ¾ö¶ÏÒôµÄ·½·¨£¬ÍÂÒôµÄ·¢Òô·½·¨£¬¼´ÔÚ´µÖ®Ç°½«ÉàÍ·¶¥×¡ÉÏÑÀ´²£¬ÔÚ´µÍêʱÉàÍ·Ò»½Ó´¥´µ¿Ú¸½½üµÄλÖÃÂíÉÏÏòÀïËõ»Ø£¬Ê¹ÆøÁ÷´µ³ö£¬´ïµ½¶ÏÒôЧ¹û¡£ The tongue like a piston, which is founction of block air . There is a phenomenon of tone break when the blast gun be plugged and will resume after tongue leave. We usually play music with liaison and non-liaison. T (ÍÂÒô) is the key resolvent of non-liaison achievement, the way is that using you tongue to hold the teethridge before you begin performance, and then draw back fast after blowing finish, give out the air and the sound be broke off. ÍÂÒô·ÖΪµ¥Í¡¢Ë«ÍºÍÈýÍ¡£T be divided to T, TK,TTK. 1£® µ¥ÍÂT µ¥Í¿ÉÒÔ·Ö¶ÌͺÍÁ¬Í£¨ÈíÍ£©£¬¶ÌÍ·ûºÅΪ¡° ¡±£¨±ê¼ÇÔÚÒôÉÏ·½£©£¬ÆäÌصãÊÇ·¢Òô¶Ì´Ù¶øÓÐÁ¦£¬ÒªÇóËõ¶ÌÔ­Òô·ûµÄÊÇʱֵ¡£Èç1 2 Ó¦×à³É1020£¬ÑÝ×àʱÉàͶ¯×÷ÒªÓе¯ÐÔ£¬²»ÄÜÃà¡£¶øÁ¬ÍÂʱÉàÍ·µÄ¶¯×÷½ÏÖ®¶ÌÍÂÒªÇá΢£¬ÒªÇó°ÑÒôÇå³þµØËͳö£¬²¢±£³ÖÔ­Òô·ûµØʱֵ£¬ÆøÁ÷ËƶϷǶϣ¬µ¥ÍÂÒ²Óá°T¡±À´±êʶ¡£ T can be divided to Short T and Link T, short mark be denote as ¡° ¡±in the above of sound , which characteristic is short and strong pronunciation and shorten the chronaxy of original note. For example, 1 2 shoud be play as 1020. Tongue action should be flexible ,strong and short, slight. Required to send sounds clear and keep the chronaxy of original note, so the airflow is seems break but it is linked¡£ 2£® Ë«Í TK Ë«ÍÂÊÇÓÃÀ´Íê³ÉÁ¬Ðø¿ìËÙ·Ö×àµØ¼¼ÇÉ£¬ÑÝ×à·½·¨ÊÇÔÚµ¥Íµػù´¡ÉϼÓÉÏÒ»¸ö¡°¿à¡±×Ö£¬¼´¡°Í¿ࡱ¡£ÀûÓÃÉà¼âºÍÉà¸úµÄÁ·Ï°¶¯×÷ʹÒô¿ìËٶϿª£¬Ë«ÍÂÒ»°ãÓá°TK¡±±íʾ£¬Èç: 5(T)5(K)5(T)5(K). TK can help to finish intersected performance that is non-stop and fast, the way is to add ¡®ku¡¯ on the basis of T, that is to spit ¡°ku¡±, cut fast by you tongue and tong end. 3£® ÈýÍ TTK Æäʵ˫ÍÂÕÆÎÕÒÔºó£¬ÈýͱãË®µ½Çþ³É¡£ÈýͱÈ˫͸üÒ×ÕÆÎÕ£¬ÈýÍÂÒô¼¼ÇÉÒ»°ãÓÃÓÚÇ°Ê®Áù»òºóÊ®ÁùÒô·û£¬Ò²½ÐÇ°ÈýͺͺóÈýÍ£¬È磺3(T) 3(T)3(K) 2(T)2(K) 2(T), ÔÚºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚÑÝ×àÖУ¬Ó¦ÓýϹ㡣 TTK skill use pre-sixteen note and back-sixteen note usually, also be called pre-three T and back three T, such as 3(T) 3(T)3(K) 2(T)2(K) 2(T), have been applied widely in the Hulusi and Bawu performance. ×¢Ò⣺Note: 1£® Ä¿Ç°ºÃ¶àÀÖÆ×ÖеÄÍÂÒôûÓбêÃ÷·ûºÅ£¬Òò´ËÑÝ×àÕ߸ù¾ÝÀÏʦµÄÖ¸µ¼À´²ÉÓᣠNowadays, some music book have no marks , to study under the teacher¡¯s direction is much better. 2£® ÉàÍ·µÄ¶¯×÷ÒªÁé»î£¬²»Òª¹ý·Ö½ôÕÅ£¬×öµ½¸É¾»ÓÐÁ¦¡£ Tongue action should be flexible and don¡¯t too tense up and perform clear and strong. 3£® ÔÚÁ·Ï°Ë«Í»òÈýÍÂʱӦ¼ÓÇ¿¡°¿à¡±µÄÁ·Ï°¡£ Strengthen exercise of ¡°ku¡± when TK and TTK exercise. Page 142 µÚ°Ëµ¥Ôª »ù±¾¹¦Ç¿»¯Á·Ï° the consolidation exercise of basic skill ºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎڵĻù±¾¹¦Á·Ï°Ö÷ÒªÊÇÈý·½ÃæµÄÁ·Ï°£¬¼´£ºÆøÏ¢Á·Ï°¡¢ÊÖÖ¸Á·Ï°¡¢ÉàÍ·Á·Ï°¡£ÒªÏëÑÝ×àºÃºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚ£¬ÕâÈý·½ÃæµÄÁ·Ï°È±Ò»²»¿É£¬¹ÊËùνµÄ»ù±¾¹¦Á·Ï°Ò²¾ÍÊÇÆø¡¢Ö¸¡¢ÉàµÄÁ·Ï°£¬ÎªÁËÂú×ã¹ã´óѧϰÕßµÄÐèÇó£¬ÔÚÇ°ÃæÒѾ­ÓÐÁ·Ï°ÇúµÄ»ù´¡ÉÏ£¬ÔÙÔö¼Ó¼ÓһЩÓÐÒ»¶¨ÄѶȵÄÁ·Ï°Çú£¬ÒÔ±ãÌá¸ß´ó¼ÒµÄÑÝ×àˮƽ£¬Ê¹ºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÑÝ×à¸ü¼Óµ½Î»£¬Ò»Ð©¸ßÄǶȵÄÀÖÇú¿ÉÒÔÓ­Èжø½â¡£ The main basic skill of Hulusi and Bawu is breath control, fingering and tongue application. They are indispensable. Student should take more time to exercise. Ò»¡¢ ÊÖָǿ»¯Á·Ï° the consolidation exercise of fingering ÊÖÖ¸µÄ»ù±¾¹¦Á·Ï°£¬Ö÷ҪѵÁ·´ó¼ÒµÄËٶȣ¬ÄÜÍê³ÉËٶȽϿìµÄ½Ú×࣬Æä´Î»¹ÒªÑµÁ·´ó¼ÒË«ÊÖµÄÅäºÏÒÔ¼°´ó¼ÒË«ÊÖÅäºÏÒÔ¼°´ó¶ÈÒô³ÌµÄÑÝ×࣬×îºó»¹ÒªÑµÁ·±¡Èõָͷ£¬ÈÃÿ¸öָͷÄÜÁé»î×ÔÈç¡£ The basic skill of fingering mainly indicates speed can keep up with the rhythm and educate cooperation of hand and all note. Finally, the fingers action should be flexible. Page 149 ¶þ¡¢ÆøϢǿ»¯Á·Ï° Breath Consolidating Exercise ÔÚºù«˿¡¢°ÍÎÚµÄÑÝ×àÖУ¬ÆøÏ¢µÄÔËÓú͵÷ÕûÀ§ÈÅןܶàÑÝ×àÕߣ¬´æÔÚµÄÖ÷ÒªÎÊÌâÊDZïÆøÕâÒ»ÄÑÌâ¡£ÓÉÓÚºù«˿µÄºÄÆøÁ¿ºÜС£¬ÌرðÊÇСºù«˿ÓÈΪͻ³ö£¬ÓÐʱһ¸öÀÖ¾äµÄÑÝ×࣬ÎüÈëµÄÆøûÓÃÍ꣬ÑÝ×àÏÂÒ»ÀÖ¾äÓÖÎüÆø£¬ÕâÑùÒÔÀ´£¬ÌåÄÚµÄÓàÆøºÜ¶à£¬Ó°ÏìÁËÕý³£µÄºôÎü»»Æø£¬Õû¸ö»úÌå´¦ÓÚ½ôÕÅ״̬£¬ÒôÉ«±äµÃ½ôÕÅ£¬ºÞ²»µÃÂíÉÏÍê³ÉÀÖ¾äÑÝ×࣬ÕâÑùÒÔÀ´£¬¶ÔÉíÌ彡¿µÓÖÒ»¶¨Ó°Ï죬µ«Èç¹ûÕÆÎÕºÄÆøÏ¢ÔËÓ㬿ÆѧÓÃÆø£¬¶ÔÉíÌåÊÇÓÐÒæµÄ£¬ÄÇô£¬ÔõÑù²ÅÄÜ×öµ½ÆøϢ˳³©£¬ÑÝ×à×ÔÈ磬¼Çסһµã£ºµ±»»ÆøʱÈç¹ûÓàÆøÌ«¶à£¬ÏÈ°ÑÓàÆøÊÍ·Å£¬ÔÙÎüÆø¡£µ«Õâ¸ö¼¼ÇÉÒªÓõÃÇ¡µ½ºÃ´¦¡£ The breath application and adjustment of Hulusi and Bawu is very difficult for executant, in which the first problem is breath keeping. Since Hulusi has the character of low air expending, especially for the small Hulusi, the problem that the executant take next inspiration before the inspired air be used up will happen. So that, the surplus air is too more and affect the normal air changing, the total system and tamber is too tight with the result that to complete performance in a hurry. It will be not good for health. From the above mentioned we can see that mastering breath application is very useful for healthy. Please keep in your mind that to release surplus air before next air taking.



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